![]() I helped!
This page was set up as a way to "Thank" all those who have made Vidgame.net possible and grow everyday. DewU Happy Helpers: autobotracing, wisesalesman, DrJustinRamone, orrimarko, Bizounce, Ubersaurus7800, my roomate & her friends, Thor, janitor Roy, my neighbors, co-workers, mom's co-workers at CMS and and several photography school-mates. Mike: For being there as supporter, giving me the idea, being my tech support, helping with the photographic process, and giving interest to the cause. Oh, and for finding that link that showed the script that I was looking for (but I had to implement it and he didn't actually write the script either.) Kevin Bunch aka: Ubersaurus: My late night crit buddy. Time after time I've sent him links, "check this out...does it look ok?". He also helped me with the first item in the Schwag Page, where the script made me put a dead link. Jessen Jurado: spell checker at early morning hours, another crit buddy. Nathan Martin aka: Anotherfluke: providing advice and the pics of the Xbox Live Beta kit and the Family Fun Fitness pad. Joe Santulli: Giving me advice always, help, and genuinely making me feel welcome in this hobby. "Generous benefactor" indeed applies. Chris Welch: Vidgame Beta-1.5 consultant Jeremy and Jenny Osterhoudt: They donated a nice boxed (and sealed!) NES Dogbone controller to the site. Thanks so much! Pete
Petschik: For
the incredible donation of Commodore computers, softwares, monitors,
printers, and drive. You've tripled the amount of Commodore stuff I
owned. Thanks so much! |
Comments, questions or concerns Email Me! Nothing on this site is for sale. Unless otherwise noted and linked all photography and scans are © 2001-2007 Adrienne Barr c/o Vidgame.net, Vidgame0. All logos, designs, technologies, characters, etc. owned by their respective copyright or trademark holders. Images must be approved for use on other informational websites. Images are not to be used in stores, storefronts, online auctions, eBay, websites, magazines, books, etc. without prior written consent. If you are interested in purchasing images for usage in web or live stores, web or live auctions, eBay, magazines, books or profit websites, please click here. |